Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas

I wish on Christmas day all familys can be together and share laughs and play games remembering why we are together on this wonderful day.
I wish every kid this Christmas doesn't go without,
I wish that are troops can be home not just for the holidays but forever,
I wish that peace was everywhere including in ever home,
I wish the best for all this holiday season.....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Picking our Tree out!

This weekend we are heading to the mountains and cutting our very own Christmas tree. I used to this when I was a child with my family. I have so many memories of doing this every year. My kids I know will just love this. It brings the family closer together. I am so excited for this to happen I already have the kids clothes picked out for what they will be wearing on this special day. Island Park here we come!