Monday, August 18, 2008


Aspen Iris Chadwick
Born at 5:52 pm on August 5Th.
Went in to get induce at 1:45pm already at a 4 when she checked me. Then they put me on PIT. It immediately started my contractions then before I know it they gave me the good stuff LOl. This time with the epidural it hurt really bad.
At five o'clock I was fully dilated to a 10. She told me this baby is ready to come. My dad Kim was in Alpine and was on his way. We waiting and waiting but I needed to push. Kim called at 5:46 in the parking lot asking which room I was in. He made it to our room the doctor shut the door in his face in fact. He was there to support me and hold my hand he missed all the other babies being born because he was always on TRIPS. So while I had him (KIM) facing ME and not ya know. ONE PUSH that is it she came. It was so easy!!! Kim was crying, Chris was crying and of course I was. My mom was video taping for us. She is very Healthy and looks like both of my kids. I think she looks like Trynity mostly. She has light blond hair and lots of it in the back. She has long fingers and pretty lips. She is a DOLL!


Jasmin said...

She only weighed 6lbs and 4onces!
She was my smallest baby. When we left she was 5lbs and 14onces. Then when I took her to the doctor visit 2 days later she was 6lbs and 2 onces. She is so little!

Nana Sharples News said...

I have been checking your blog everyday waiting to hear and to see photos of her. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, CHRIS, TAYSON, AND TRYNITY.
I love the photos. How are you getting along? I am very excited for you. So glad Kim made it and you had your mom there. I absolutely LOVE the name.

Adri said...

OH MY.... I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for you to post the new baby. She is sooooo BEAUTIFUL, I think she looks just like Trynie. Congrats on the new addition. I am so glad to hear that everything went well, except the epidural. I HATE those things. Keep posting pictures and give all of my love to your whole family. By the way I too love her name.

Audmann said...

Yeah... we have been anxiously awaiting the post on the new baby girl! She is so beautiful and except for the light hair she looks just like Trynity I think. Congradulations and I'm glad everyone is doing well. Give Trynity our love. By the way I love the name you picked it's beautiful!

Nana Sharples News said...

She is so pretty Jasmin. I bet your kids just love her to death. Congrats and great job on the delivery. ~Heather