Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WOW! where does the time go?

I came across these pictures on my mothers computer. I started to cry emotional me I know. My babies are so big now it seems like yesterday they were so little. I know they are not old but they are not babies anymore either. I am just excited to have another lil baby but scared too. My sister in law had her little girl last week. It hitting me hard that my family will soon be five. I was only 19 when I had Trynity. Now I am 24 almost and having my third child. It has went by so fast. My mom is always telling me... To enjoy these times while your kids are young because they grow up so fast. I now know what she means
I love my kids so much and they are my life I don't know what I would do without them that is for sure. Each day is a different day with kids.


Adri said...

They grow up so fast. I get the same way when I see baby pictures of my girls. It's hard but that is why we need to cherish every minute that we have with them even when they are being bad. By the way... your story on my blog was hilarious. Way to go daddy for jumping in.

Heather said...

Those pictures are so cute! I know what you mean, somebody commented to me the other day that Zeke was starting to look like a little boy and lose his "baby" features! I was insulted! Then I hugged and hugged him! The definately don't stay small long.

Nana Sharples News said...

I am so proud of you. You are such a great mom and I wish we would have had more time (without stress) getting to know each other. I am so glad thyat you are blogging and we get to stay in touch with each other. I love seeing the photos of the children (especially Trynity)...Tell her we love her and you.
Take care..

Lulu said...

It's true. Time has gone by super fast as I watch these little ones grow up.