Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yesterday's fun at the River!

I called my mom ask her to join us at the river to spend some one on one time with me and the kids. It was so much FUN to just forget about everything that has been going on this month and have some fun. We had a great time laughing at the kids! Trynity chasing the geese and ducks. Tayson was not so brave he stayed either on the bench or hiding between my legs. I couldn't help but laugh at him every time a geese would get close he would HIDE. Towards the end he started to be brave and follow his sister chasing the ducks. We later went to lunch and had a good time with one another. I think it is what my mom and I needed. Mother and Daughter time we have not done that for months.....


Kelly said...

That was nice of you to call your mom up to do that. I think as we get older, we forget to include our moms in outings like that - I do anyway. That looks like a lot of fun.

Nana Sharples News said...

I am glad that you and your mother had some time enjoying each other and the kids. She probably really needed that. I love spending time with my girls...I see Tryn has her coat on ...OH..I have a present in my trunk of my car (don't tell Aaron)...he bought it for Tryn for her birthday and I was supposed to mail it in time...I found it today behind the ceramic pots I had bought (which are still in the trunk also)..I will send it asap.
Tell you mom hello..and to hang in there...keep us posted..Love to you, your family, and especially Trynity.

Adri said...

Well that looks like a nice day with your mom and your kids. It's so nice to do some thing like that when your so overwhelmed with every thing else going on. I love the time I spend with my mom. Those pictures are so cute, you look great by the way. Hang in there.