Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Only in his Hands

On Friday the 28Th I found out some news. I don't know what to think about it. The man that hurt me so long ago is up for Parole. His hearing is on Friday. I hate this man who made me live my life with such hate for some many years. He took my self dignity for myself at such a young age. I was only 15! I am scared because still to this day I have flash backs and horrible images being re winded in my head. It has been 8 years on January 16Th,since this man has raped me. Criminal investigator contacted me yesterday and she told me that the Parole officer recommended to the court that he does not get out of prison. Even though I have moved forward with my life it still affects me daily. I take two prescription drugs. Thanks to many different councilors throughout the years I forgave him in my soul to move forward in my life. I guess will we find out if he gets out or not. Only God can punish him now!


Adri said...

I'm sorry to hear this news. I felt the same way when Paul Upwall got out of prison. I think he served less time and he killed 2 people. Stay strong you are doing such a great job. Your a good mother and wife. You have lots to live for.

Kelly said...

Wow - I didn't know you were dealing with this. I'm sorry Jasmin...

Nana Sharples News said...

I am sorry that you have to face this NEWS... SOMETIMES...we don't undersand why we have to deal with so much in life. Hang in there.

Lulu said...

So sorry to hear about this. But I know you are stronger than ever before and you will get through this.